Donate Now to Current Needs!
All gifts made here will go directly to Father Yermo Schools funds for financial aid and operational needs.
Donations enable our school to continue with our mission of educating each student in Academic Excellence, Leadership, Faith and Service.
By investing in our funds you help us ensure that our school provides a high quality education. Your donation not only impacts a student financially by providing tuition assistance and school programming, but it provides our students access to the best faith program, educational, service, athletic, and co-curricular opportunities.
All our schools are 501(c)3 tax-exempt organizations. All tax-deductible donations are documented via email.
To make a donation please click on the Donate button below.
If you would like to mail a Donation to our school it can be mail to the next address:
Father Yermo Schools
220 Washington St
El Paso Tx 79905
Thank you for your donation, God blessed you!