Does Father Yermo School have Boys?
Yes, Father Yermo School has been a co-ed school Pre-K to 12th since 2000.
Do you have to be a catholic to attend Father Yermo
No, Father Yermo School does not discriminate on basis of race, color, nationality, origin or religion. Though we are a Catholic School, we hold liturgies and encourage our students to attend.
Do you offer Financial Aid or Scholarships?
Yes, Father Yermo School offers Financial Aid and a variety of
Scholarships for students who qualify for monetary assistance.
Do you have a big class size?
No, Father Yermo School has small-size classes; we believe students learn foremost in small class sizes.
Are Nun’s part of the Teaching staff in school?
Yes, 6 of our Sisters are part of the School Teaching Program, and 3 more in administrative positions. They are qualified to fulfill their roles at Father Yermo School.
Do you have an After School program?
Yes, we offer after school program at our campus for elementary and middle school students.
Does Father Yermo School offer I-20 forms for international students?
Yes, Father Yermo School offers I-20 Form for Non-United States Citizens. All rules by the Point of Entry must be followed before the student attends classes
Do you have Dual Credit classes?
Yes, we offer a variety of Dual Credit classes for high school students.
Do students have access to the convent?
No, neither students nor staff has access to the convent. We respect our Sisters' privacy and treat their space as out-of-campus property. However, the chapel is used for liturgies, drama performances
Has Father Yermo ongoing enrollment?
Yes, Father Yermo has an ongoing enrollment for all grades.