The mission of Father Yermo Schools Faith Formation Program is to provide students with a solid understanding of the teachings of the Catholic Church, to invite them to live their faith in the context of the community, and to live a healthy family life serving others in the global community.
Father Yermo Schools provide scope for religious activities which are directly concerned with the student’s spiritual life. In addition to the classroom teaching of religion, there are opportunities for prayer, and for celebration of the Eucharist and Reconciliation. Retreats and pastoral care structures complement what is done in the classroom.
The Father Yermo Schools Program is enriched by the Diocesan curriculum guidelines and the direction of our Bishop and Pastor. The program also includes an inclusion that is part of the spirituality of the Sisters SSHJP, namely, a special devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, our Blessed Mother, and the Holy Founder, Saint Jose Maria de Yermo y Parres.
The major areas of the curriculum include Biblical Studies, Ecclesial documents, Liturgical life, Human Promotion & Evangelization. Students learn to solve problems and resolve moral conflicts individually and in community.
When Graduates finish their studies at Father Yermo Schools they demonstrate knowledge of God as revealed in the Scripture, and show their progress in moral and spiritual matters. Father Yermo Schools students exhibit virtues of honesty, humbleness, rectitude and service, characteristic of the school philosophy.
Special Programs within the Faith Formation Program.
First Holy Communion. The Program is established for Catholic children attending second and third grade; students enrolled at other levels may also register for the program.
Student Annual Retreat: Each year appropriate retreats are organized at every grade level during the season of Lent. All retreats are held for one day. Grades 8th and 12th hold longer retreats in a designated out of school facility.
Adult Evangelization Program: Two annual retreats are organized for parents. Teachers & staff also participate in an annual retreat at the beginning of the school year.